Building on our digital Self-Care collection, the Wellbeing Wall aims to create an inspiring and encouraging physical space dedicated to promoting wellbeing. Click here for more info:
MTU Libraries now offer students an opportunity to borrrow a Reader Pen from their local campus library. Reader Pens are convenient portable tools which support independent reading and literacy.
Gentle reminder - You need your student ID card when entering the library. Ensure that you have an ID Card with you at all times when using library facilities. Spot Checks are routinely carried out.
MTU is the first Irish University to roll out the Self-Care Collection; a free and confidential online resource featuring hundreds of Self-Care E-book titles. Click here for more information.
SensusAccess allows studentsand staff to automatically convert documents into a range of alternate media including audio books (MP3 and DAISY), e-books (EPUB, EPUB3 and Mobi) and digital Braille.