Alumni / Corporate/ External

- Alumni, corporate and external borrowers can borrow 2 items from the general lending collection for 2 weeks, and can request 1 renewal at the library desk.

- You are responsible for all items you borrow until they are returned to the Library. A suspension will be applied to your account on the return of overdue items. Your account will be suspended by 1 day for each item that is overdue up to a maximum of 10 days.

- Reference material, Final Year Projects, Journals and Official Publications cannot be checked out but can be read in the Library.

- Due to financial implications, the Inter Library Loan service is only available to MTU registered staff and students.

- Alumni/Corporate/External members can borrow material from any MTU campus library in person, on presentation of an MTU ID Card. All items must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed.

- Due to copyright & licensing restrictions, Alumni / Corporate / External members cannot access online library databases/electronic resources.
