Inter-Library Loan Form

All queries in relation to inter-library loans should be sent to

Download an Inter-Library Loan Application Form

Inter-Library Loan Applications

The MTU Inter-Library Loan Department handles arrangements with other libraries for borrowing materials that are unavailable from our stock.


Inter-Library Loan Lending Policy

Materials are loaned to the MTU Library as a courtesy, and their conditions of use, including due dates, must be respected. Failure to return Inter-Library Loan materials on time jeopardizes the MTU Library's liaisons with other libraries and could adversely affect other patrons needing Inter-Library Loan services.

View the full MTU Library Inter-Library Loans Policy


Submitting a new Inter-Library Loan Request:


All Requests for new inter-library loans must be submitted on the official application form which can be found below.

These application forms must be signed by the relevant head of the department.

Completed application forms should be returned to the Main Library Office.


For general queries regarding this inter-library loan service or submitted requests, please e-mail or telephone the Library on

021-4335288 / 021-4335287

